Sunday, August 24, 2008

We decided that we would take a trip to the beach every year before school starts and it's that time of year. We had so much fun playing in the ocean and digging in the sand.
Liam caught a little fish(not even a inch long) and kept it in a bucket. Zander had a 15 min. conversation about it with Liam. Even though Liam couldn't understand a word that Zander said they looked like they were having fun with each other.

Kat is always smiling, we love having her around. I can tell in a few years we are going to have to beat the boys away.

We also went to the aquarium at the beach. We got to pet stingrays and other sea life. They also have a tank that is from floor to ceiling, it was great! Liam jumped and was going to run when he turned and saw a shark with a bloody mouth coming at him. That was how he descibed it. It was so funny. Zander would only get near the glass if Zac was holding him and even then he wouldn't touch it. I have to admit it was a little scary at first.


Herriman Blue said...

LOVE those pictures Suzy!! How great! Your kids are so darling and getting so big. We miss you guys and still talk about you. As a matter of fact last night we went to rent The Breakfast Club to let Linden see it and I told Steve I bet you guys would have it for us!! If not that one, plenty of others we'd want to see! Say HI to Zac from us!

Unknown said...

The beach looked like it was real fun. The back of your kids looks like they are just even when going down. An crabby Abby how cute. They are all cute. Love Grandma

Char said...

I am so jealous wish we had been there. The kids look like they had a blast. I love the new picture on the top of your page.

Jen K. said...

I like the name Crabby Abby, I think it should stick! I sure am jealous of all your beach visits... we love the sun and sand too. The kids do grow like weeds, I think Zander is going to be about 4 years old before we see him. All the photos are so cute, I really like the new page topper!

Lindsay Dickson said...

Too cute! Zander is looking like such a big boy!!! I LOVE the picture of your kids on the top of your blog. It's perfect!