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I took a trip to Utah all by myself. I got to do a ton of fun things that I had missed the last few years like...the X-mas expo and Gardner Village MIDNIGHT MADNESS. For some reason I thought I could live like a teenager again. I had so much fun staying up until 2 a.m. with one of my BFF Monica and as usual by the end of the night we had ourselves to scared to even get out of the car. I went to a late movie with my sister, brother, and his wife Jen. We also hit one a few hours before I left. I never went to bed before midnight, it was fun. The whole reason I really went to Utah was to see Twilight with my Mom and Sister. Even though I thought Edward was a lame I still had a blast being with my favorite people ever! I did get to spend a little time with Zac's sister's and in the small time I was with them I am sure that Kezia told me I was her favorite Aunt! So in the middle of living like I was 16 again I did get sick and couldn't visit everyone I wanted to. Thanks to my Mom and Sister for taking extra good care of me. See everyone next time. Oh and Jen this songs for you!